A zero sum game?

The number of SEND tribunal cases is rising and the proportion of appeals ‘lost’ by local authorities is at a record high. Lottie Winson talks to education lawyers to understand the reasons why, and sets out the results of Local Government Lawyer’s exclusive survey.

Navigating school admission appeals during coronavirus

Yvonne Spencer considers the changes to school admissions appeals due to coronavirus and how they should be handled.

Included in this podcast:

  • Changes to the appeals process
  • Managing virtual hearings
  • View of statutory guidance
  • Issues in relation to coronavirus
  • Navigating through the new regulations
  • How local authorities are grappling the new ways of working
  • The role of local authorities

Related Resources:

About the speaker


Yvonne Spencer

Having worked for many years advising schools on child protection, inspection and regulation, SEN and equality, serious disciplinary incidents, complex complaints, reputation management and the media, Yvonne is well placed to assist you and your school when complex and often unforeseen incidents occur.

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