
Anti-social behaviour officer wins payout from employer after dog attack

An anti-social behaviour officer has won compensation from his employer after being attacked by a dangerous dog.

Chris Dew, who worked for the London Borough of Hackney, was bitten by a pit bulldog when he visited a home with an RSPCA officer following complaints from neighbours about unruly dogs.

One of the dogs jumped at him, biting his face and throat, as a result of which Mr Dew “developed a strong fear of dogs, suffered anxiety and felt he had no choice but to hand in his notice as he could no longer continue visiting people’s homes”, law firm Irwin Mitchell, which acted for him, said.

He also postponed his planned wedding due to the psychological reactions to the attack.

Claire Bracewell of Irwin Mitchell said: “All employees have the right to work in a safe environment that does not put them at risk, but sadly this was not the case for him.

“A proper plan needs to be in place to protect workers when they are faced with a dangerous dog.”

Dew arrived at an undisclosed settlement with Hackney which Ms Bracewell said “cannot turn back the clock but gives Chris financial stability after being out of work for three months and we hope it gives him peace of mind that justice has been done”.

A spokesperson for Hackney Homes, the council’s arm’s-length housing management organisation, said: “Hackney Homes takes the safety of its staff and residents very seriously.

“Following the incident, Mr Dew was immediately relieved of his responsibility for dealing with dangerous dogs and was provided with a range of support. A claim made to Hackney Homes was settled by the insurers.”

New tenancy agreements now require tenants to gain permission to keep a dog. 

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