
Northumberland appoints Stephen Gerrard as monitoring officer on two-year contract

Northumberland County Council has appointed Stephen Gerrard as Monitoring Officer on a two-year fixed term contract.

Mr Gerrard will take over from Suki Binjal, who joined on an interim basis in November 2021.

The council noted that the two-year contract reflects the “very limited availability of suitable candidates in the market”. However, it added that it will provide a “period of stability and the opportunity to consider an appropriate medium term succession plan”.

This appointment comes after a candidate declined a conditional job offer in January.

Following a further market search by the council’s recruitment partners, Mr Gerrard was shortlisted and chosen for the role, with statutory officers concluding he was “high quality and keen to join the council as soon as practicable”.

Mr Gerrard is expected to start work in June.

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