
Government issues draft guidance for councils on Sure Start children’s centres

The government has released guidance for local authorities on their duties in relation to the establishment and running of Sure Start Children’s Centres.

The centres are designed to provide easy access to community health services, parenting and family support, integrated early education and childcare, and links to training and employment opportunities for families with children under the age of five.

The Apprenticeships, Children, Skills and Learning Act 2009 was the first time these centres have been recognised in statute. Alongside local authorities, the legislation imposes new duties on Jobcentre Plus and Primary Care Trusts on delivering access to early childhood services through the centres. The Act also establishes the inspection of children's centres by Ofsted.

The 2009 Act amends the Childcare Act 2006, which requires local authorities – so far as is reasonably practicable - to make “sufficient provision” of children’s services to meet local needs. “Determining what is sufficient provision is a decision for local authorities to take and should be taken in full consultation with Primary Care Trusts and Jobcentre Plus, other Children’s Trust partners and local communities,” the Department for Schools, Children and Families stated.
The guidance calls for local authorities to ensure there is universal access to children’s centres, that they are structured to meet the needs of communities and focus on the most deprived.  The DCSF outlines the need for local authorities to consider demographic, geographic and socio-economic factors when configuring the centres.

Local authorities are also required to consult before undertaking a “significant change” which includes establishing, closing or reducing centres.

Consultation on the guidance will close on 1 February 2010.

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