
Legal challenges to social care policies soared by 45% in 2010/11, says survey

The number of legal challenges to local authorities’ social care policies soared by 45% in 2010/11, research by Community Care has revealed.

Its survey of 89 councils found that they had received 425 letters before action over decisions in relation to children’s or adults’ social care last year, up from 293 in 2009/10.

The research also revealed that the success rate had risen from 26% to 30%.

Sarah Pickup, vice-president of the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services, told Community Care that the relatively small change to the success rate demonstrated that authorities were making decisions properly against a difficult backdrop.

She added: "The increase in challenges will put a strain on councils' resources but it's not surprising given the budget reductions that we are having to make. Most [savings] are being made through reconfiguration, not cuts, but still some people will be unhappy."

See also: Claimants win High Court challenge over Birmingham adult care cuts

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