

Disruption and innovation in the legal industry - what is the future for the profession? - The Centre for Legal Leadership
Disruption and innovation in the legal industry - what is the future for the profession? - The Centre for Legal Leadership
Wed, 17 June 2020, 14:00 - 15:00
Online (live webinar)
Management, Coronavirus


Cost: Free

Join Bjarne Tellmann and Mark A. Cohen, two of the legal profession's pre-eminent thought leaders for this livestream webinar on Wednesday 17 June 2pm BST.

We are in the midst of an innovation explosion in how legal services are delivered, sourced, packaged, priced and defined. This development is the consequence of a number of macroeconomic trends, including globalization and disruptive technologies, that have increased volatility and placed downward pressure on corporate profits.

As companies have been forced to transform, pressure is growing on corporate legal departments to do more – and more complex – work, with the same or fewer resources.

To address this challenge, General Counsel are increasingly running their departments like businesses, cutting overhead, measuring quality, developing talent, and optimizing service delivery.

They are also demanding more from their external partners, with a new ecosystem of countless new providers offering insights, skills, and tools to help them better manage the business side of their practice.

Zoom webinar - spaces are limited.

Schedule as follows:

2.00-2.40 main presentation
2.40-3.00 Q&A

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Online (live webinar)
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