

Calculating housing land supply in the post-COVID era - 'deliverable' sites and other stories - Cornerstone Barristers
Calculating housing land supply in the post-COVID era - 'deliverable' sites and other stories - Cornerstone Barristers
Fri, 3 July 2020, 11:00 - 12:00
Online (live webinar)


Cost: The webinar is free of charge, however registration is required. Please click on the Book Your Place button on this page to register on Zoom.

The debate about whether the definition of 'deliverable site' in the Glossary to the NPPF, and used for the purposes of calculating a five-year housing land supply, is a 'closed list' of types of site has raged for some time.

In a recent case in the Planning Court, the Secretary of State has conceded that the definition is not a closed list: the examples given in categories (a) and (b) are examples, and sites which do not fall into either (notably emerging allocations, sites with only a resolution to grant etc) can be considered deliverable if the evidence supports such a finding.

Josef Cannon, who acted for the successful local authority claimant in that statutory challenge, will give some background to the position. He will be joined by Rob Williams, who will consider the wider implications of Secretary of State's concession in terms of calculating the five-year housing land supply, and by Dr Ashley Bowes, who will give his thoughts on the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on housing delivery.

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Online (live webinar)
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