

Managing commercial property risk - Anthony Collins LLP and Arlingclose
Managing commercial property risk - Anthony Collins LLP and Arlingclose
Thu, 30 July 2020, 10:00
Online (live webinar)


Cost: Free

This week we’ll be joined by Phil Scully of Anthony Collins LLP and Mark Swallow of Arlingclose.

With government support for business being reduced, and the economic impact of the coronavirus pandemic being felt across the globe, the quality of tenants in commercial property investments is more important than ever.

This week we’ll be discussing issues to look out for when agreeing leases with new tenants and how to spot a current tenant is in trouble before the worst happens. We’ll also discuss what options direct commercial property investors have if the worst happens, and how to limit the impact of income streams reducing.

This discussion will last approximately 30 minutes, and there will be time for questions at the end.

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Online (live webinar)
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