

Data Protection and FOI/EIR requests - coming out of lockdown - your questions answered - Cornerstone Barristers
Data Protection and FOI/EIR requests - coming out of lockdown - your questions answered - Cornerstone Barristers
Wed, 9 September 2020, 11:00 - 12:00
Online (live webinar)
Information Law


Cost: Free

This webinar is designed for local authorities, or other public bodies, which may face a backlog of subject access or FOI/EIR requests, as the lockdown begins to ease.

Since April, the Information Commissioner has been taking an 'empathetic and pragmatic' approach to enforcement; although individuals' information rights have remained in place. But now the Commissioner's Office have announced on their FOI Blog that, while they have maintained that approach, they "also want to see public authorities putting clear plans in place to get back on track with their freedom of information work". They have also published a toolkit to help authorities to assess their performance.

This webinar therefore looks ahead, to the time when the regulatory environment returns to normal, and requesters are likely to expect their outstanding requests to be answered quickly.

The session is aimed at Data Protection Officers, FOI/EIR Officers, or lawyers in local authorities or other public-sector bodies who deal with information law matters.

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Online (live webinar)
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