

Essential Guide to Political Awareness - LLG Training
Essential Guide to Political Awareness - LLG Training
Tue, 20 April 2021, 10:00 - 11:30
Online (live webinar)
Governance, Management


Cost: £199 +VAT

This course consists of 4 pre-recorded modules, which you can watch at your own convenience, plus a live session on 21st April 2021.

This course provides you with the opportunity to complete LLG’s extremely popular Essential Guide to Political Awareness online, from the comfort of your home office. Delivered by highly experienced lawyer, consultant and trainer Bethan Evans, the course addresses how to work at a senior level in the political environment of a local authority.

The ability to navigate the political interface with elected members is, more than ever, an essential part of being a successful senior local government lawyer. The nature of the role of the local authority lawyer inevitably involves close contact with members, and so political awareness and the confidence to deal with the inherently political nature of local authorities are essential skills. LLG’s Essential Guide to Political Awareness will enable you to properly understand the political dynamics of local government, be confident with the governance framework, and develop the personal skills needed for success.

The course is broken down into five modules. Modules 1 to 4 are each 45 minutes in length, pre-recorded, and can be viewed at your convenience. Module 5 is a live, interactive 90-minute workshop giving you the opportunity to engage with the speaker and other attendees, share experiences, ask questions, and participate in discussion.

The five modules together cover:

The course includes plenty of examples. It is practical in nature, focusing on skills and tips for tackling real issues which will help you in your role at your council. The live workshop will explore specific reflection points from each module, allowing you the time to apply the theory to your own circumstances.


This course is ideal for lawyers in local government who are moving, or plan to move, into more senior roles where their interaction with members will grow and there will be greater need to deal with governance issues. The course will also be suitable for lawyers moving into local government from the private or other sectors. In addition, ANY lawyer in local government who feels they need a refresher on this subject, however experienced they are, will be very welcome!

This course leads well into the Masterclass on Political Awareness and Governance.

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Online (live webinar)
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