

Planning for Property Lawyers - LLG
Planning for Property Lawyers - LLG
Fri, 29 April 2022, 09:30 - 13:30
Online (live webinar)
Planning, Property


Cost: from £205 + VAT

This course gives attendees a basic grasp of key aspects of planning law, policy and practice that are relevant to property transactions. It is suitable for anyone who needs to understand the key aspects of how planning issues affect land transactions including lawyers, surveyors, committee officers and local members.

The course begins with a general introduction to the planning system and the key legislation. It includes an overview of the legal context for planning decisions, explains what the local plan is and why it matters in property development, and identifies key points to look out for when doing due diligence on a new development.

It goes on to look at planning, land acquisition and development in more detail including an overview of the decision-making process, and wider governance issues such as dealing with heritage, the environment, human rights, and the public sector equality duty.

There is a detailed examination of what a 106 agreement is, how it fits into the development process and its interrelationship with planning conditions.

The final section is a brief overview of the use of planning compulsory purchase powers to bring development forward, and the use of enforcement powers to stop developments going ahead.

The course will include a summary of key changes coming up including the Environment Bill, the Building Safety Bill, and the digitisation of the system.

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Online (live webinar)
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