
Doncaster latest to set in train dismissal and re-engagement

Doncaster Council has become the latest local authority to instigate a dismissal and re-engagement process in a drive to secure savings.

Simon Wiles, the local authority's Director of Finance and Corporate Services, insisted that such a route was not its preferred outcome.

He said: "We are conducting regular and meaningful discussions with trade unions on how best to achieve significant savings through changes to terms and conditions of employment.

"The stark reality is we need to make savings of up to £7.5m from changes to terms and conditions in order to balance our planned 2012/13 budget. We have put forward a range of options for consideration by the unions and we will continue to make every effort to drive forward negotiations with them in order to reach an agreement.”

Wiles said Doncaster was following the formal collective consultation process “because ultimately if we are unable to achieve our preferred outcome of reaching a collective agreement, one option available to us to bring about these changes is to terminate and re-engage staff contracts of employment”.

Other authorities to have run dismissal and re-engagement exercises in recent months include Southampton City Council, Shropshire Council and Birmingham City Council.

Robin Symonds, a spokesman for Unison, told the BBC: "There is no legitimate reason why the council should issue the notice halfway through our negotiations and we can only conclude that it is intended to bully us into agreement.

"This 'agree or else' ultimatum is a cynical move by the council and is not helpful to what is already a difficult process. The very last thing they need right now is to be threatened with dismissal."

See also: Hearts and minds – what is involved in a dismissal and re-engagement process

Philip Hoult

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