
Levelling-Up Secretary to create “many more mayors”, boost house building, and “crack down” on local government mismanagement

Simon Clarke, the new Secretary of State for Levelling up, Housing and Communities, has outlined plans to create more mayors, accelerate the development of brownfield sites, and strengthen accountability in local authorities.

In his speech to the Conservative Party Conference on Tuesday (4 October), Clarke also provided more details on Investment Zones, which he said was one of a number of policies that "fire the starting gun" on the Government's aim to grow the economy.

He claimed that Investment Zones would "roll back the bureaucracy that shackles our local economies to bring homes and jobs to families across the UK".

Clarke added that the Government remains committed to the "environment and beyond" but is "determined to speed up processes to get growth going".

"Investment Zones are ultimately defined by three things", Clarke said.

"The first is consent. We are absolutely clear that these zones must be led by the people who know best what their area needs and what it does not.

"There will be no top-down imposition of these arrangements on anywhere that does not want them. But ultimately if local people decide an investment zone isn't for them – then that will be the final word."

The second principle is "of targeted and precise action", Clarke continued.

"Investment Zones will target specific and effective sites that would benefit from accelerated development and a tax structure that incentivises investment. This is a practical proposal for change.

"Which brings me to the third principle – of pragmatic acceleration. This is an outcomes-focused policy that seeks to accelerate investment, development and growth."

He added: "That means finding where things can be sped up and doing it, not revisiting already shovel-ready projects, slowing them down."

Clarke also outlined a commitment to devolution, noting that he wants to create "many" more mayors and "strengthen and deepen the powers" of existing mayors.

He said that "directly-elected leadership is central to enabling the highest level of devolved government".

As part of his devolution agenda, Clarke added that "strengthening accountability is vital".

"I intend to support the Local Authority sector and be an advocate for it, but I will also crack down on mismanagement wherever I find it, such as in Thurrock, Nottingham or Croydon."

Where local government is not delivering, "there must be effective scrutiny, turnaround programmes and consequences", Clarke said.

On housing, Clarke declared that he is "steadfastly committed to increasing home ownership". He remarked that Investment Zones will help deliver homes but added that in the coming weeks, he will be announcing more Government plans to "get more homes on the market".

As part of this commitment, Clarke stated that accelerating development of brownfield sites "is of the upmost importance, as is building beautifully".

"We want to grow organic communities, not impose cardboard boxes across our shires. As with investment zones, local consent will sit at the heart of our plans."

Other commitments made in his speech included:

  • Resolving to fix "the cladding issue as soon as possible".
  • Fixing the building safety system "for the long term, to protect leaseholders and ensure the industry fixes the problems it created".
  • Pursuing "pragmatic, common-sense reform that protects leaseholders".
  • Facilitating an "operable insurance industry".
  • Ensuring the legacy of Grenfell "be better standards and safer homes for everyone".

Adam Carey

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