
Mental health trust to retake cuts decision after legal challenge

A NHS trust has agreed following a legal challenge to retake a decision over proposals to change community mental health services that could have seen up to 20% cuts in staff.

The changes were part of a drive by Manchester Mental Health & Social Care Trust to save £1.9m. Up to 40 posts were at risk.

Under the legal settlement, the trust will conduct a new engagement process. This will see it:

  • Write to all service-users individually
  • Hold open meetings, and
  • Contact 65 voluntary sector and other agencies to offer briefings and presentations on the proposals.

The trust has also agreed to compile a new equality impact assessment as well as a report based on the engagement process.

These will be considered by the trust’s board in September, when a fresh decision will be taken.

The claimants were advised by law firm Deighton Pierce Glynn and Kate Markus of Doughty Street Chambers.

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