
Welsh Assembly secures new powers over housing sector

A Measure – or law – to enable local authorities to apply to Welsh ministers for approval to suspend the right to buy in areas of housing pressure will be introduced in the autumn, the Welsh Assembly Government has announced.

The measure will also provide ministers with a broad range of intervention powers aimed at strengthening the regulation of registered social landlords.

The announcement was made after a housing and local government legislative competence order (LCO) – transferring powers from Whitehall to Wales – received Royal Assent.

Wales’ Deputy Minister for Housing and Regeneration, Jocelyn Davies, said she was delighted the LCO’s three-year journey was finally over.

She added: “We’re now in a position where we will be able to introduce a Measure, which has the overwhelming support of the Welsh housing sector.”

Keith Edwards, chief executive of the Chartered Institute of Housing, described the transfer of powers as “excellent news”.

He added: “Given the scale of the housing challenge we face, this provides a great opportunity to develop Welsh solutions and create a housing system that is fit for purpose in the future.”

Shelter Cymru also welcomed the announcement. John Puzey, a director, said the LCO would give the Welsh government greater scope and flexibility to act to protect vulnerable people.

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