
LGA issues information note on how councils can manage licensing issues during coronavirus outbreak

The Local Government Association has published an information note setting out how issues raised by councils’ licensing teams and others might be managed during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The LGA said this was based on a set of key principles and examples of what councils had already advised it they were doing in response.

The publication, Approaches to managing licensing and related issues during the COVID-19 pandemic, covers different areas of licensing including the Licensing Act (LA 2003), taxis, gambling, animal establishments and scrap metal.

The LGA said: “While this note is intended to promote consistent approaches by licensing authorities, each council will of course need to assure itself of the approach it takes, balancing the desire to support local businesses, the objectives of relevant legislation and the council’s capacity.

“This note however is not, nor is it intended to provide, legal advice. Legal advice should be obtained from your council’s head of legal and monitoring officer, who are responsible for ensuring your council complies with the law and best practice in decision-making.”

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