
Police force to establish £1.1m+ legal services framework

Warwickshire Police is to procure a legal advisory services framework worth an estimated £1.125m.

The police force said: “This shall operate as a framework agreement with multiple suppliers utilising both direct award and quote call off procedures where appropriate. All suppliers shall be on an equal standing and for direct awards selected according to the nature of the legal advice required.”

It added that its own in-house Legal Services Team handles a wide range of operational advice across the breadth of police activity, and litigation and advocacy in the Magistrates Court, Crown Court, County Court, High Court, Family Courts, and Inquests.

The in-house team manages all civil claims against the force and all insurance matters. It also deals with all police misconduct cases and some ad hoc HR matters where they overlap.

Additionally, the in-house team advise on collaboration arrangements and wider multi-agency working arrangements including MoUs and data sharing.

However, Warwickshire Police said it current has separate arrangements for other areas of work required by the force where it outsources work in the following areas:

  • HR/employment law advice and all Employment Tribunal claims
  • All Property and Estates work
  • Commercial contracts and advice
  • Some advice on wider governance arrangements

The closing date is 19 September 2023, with a closing time of 12pm.

The contract is due to start on 1 April 2024 and end on 31 March 2027. There will be an option to extend for a further two years.

As a contract option (to be confirmed by variation) the agreement may also be used by the Police & Crime Commissioner for Warwickshire.

(c) HB Editorial Services Ltd 2009-2022