
Cornerstone wins tender for review of safeguarding manual for London authorities

Cornerstone Barristers has won a tender to provide local authorities in London with a legal review of Pan London Adult Safeguarding Policy & Procedures.

The manual is seen as a vital source book for all local authorities and other authorities required to combat abuse and neglect in their area, the set said.

It added: “The placing of adult safeguarding on a statutory footing and the need for detailed local practices and procedures are two of the major changes brought in by the Care Act 2014.”

The review will be conducted by Bryan McGuire QC and Matt Hutchings.

Earlier this year Cornerstone won a tender for provision of national training to the Local Government Association regions on the Care Act 2014.

Elizabeth Woodman, the set’s chief executive, said: “We are delighted to have won the tender. It cements our reputation as a set at the cutting edge of community care law. Adult safeguarding is a vital and growing area of local authority responsibility.”

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