
FTB welcomes Forrest as new tenant

Francis Taylor Building has invited Charles Forrest to join the set, having completed his pupillage.

Forrest, who graduated from University College London with a First Class degree in History before converting to law, undertook his pupillage under the supervision of Meyric Lewis, Alexander Booth QC and Juan Lopez.

His recent experience includes assisting in advising a UK government department on environmental law issues arising from infraction proceedings commenced by the European Commission; and assisting with a number of petitions to the House of Commons from residents and businesses directly and specifically affected by the construction and operation of HS2.

He has also assisted in obtaining an interim injunction under s.187B of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 on behalf of a local authority and also an urgent interim injunction on behalf of a private party and appeared in the Magistrates' Court and before a Licensing Sub-Committee on behalf of licence holders.

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