
Public law children barrister joins No 5

Hannah Court, whose practice includes public law children cases, has joined the Family Group at No 5 Barristers’ Chambers.

No 5 said Court, who was called to the Bar in 2015, accepts instructions in cases featuring a number of complicated issues including neglectful parenting, domestic abuse, drug and alcohol misuse, sexual abuse, non-accidental injury and DOLs.

The set said its Family Group are also pleased to see Eleanor Berney-Dale return from maternity leave. She will be taking instructions from 20 September.

Head of Group, Richard Hadley said: “We are thrilled to welcome Hannah to the Family Group. In her short time at the Bar, she brings a growing reputation in both private and public family law. Hannah will be a great addition to the No5 Family Group. I am also looking forward to Eleanor returning after taking a break from chambers to have a baby.”

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