
Westminster parking unit in clear over multi-million pound contract award

The Metropolitan Police has dropped an investigation into allegations of fraud at Westminster Council’s parking unit, the BBC has reported.

The investigation was launched after claims of impropriety by campaign group No To Bike Parking Fees in relation to a parking enforcement contract awarded to NSL Services.

The group, which has been focused on Westminster since it introduced a £1 a day charge for motorcycle parking, had alleged that the contract went to NSL without going through proper procedures.

A spokesman for the Met said: “The information provided was investigated and no criminal offence was disclosed.”

Westminster’s chief executive Mike More said: “From the outset we stated that this contract had been properly let by our officers and these claims were totally unfounded. We are pleased that the police have concluded their investigation and have cleared our staff of any wrongdoing.”

The complaint made to the police is not related to the complaint about the contract for phone parking services by the same council which is presently being investigated by the European Commission.

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