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QC to lead review of law on industrial disputes and "extreme tactics"

The Government has this month launched an independent review into the law on industrial disputes.

The review will be led by Bruce Carr QC of Devereux Chambers. The terms of reference are to provide an assessment of the:

  • “alleged use of extreme tactics in industrial disputes, including so-called ‘leverage’ tactics; and
  • the effectiveness of the existing legal framework to prevent inappropriate or intimidatory actions in trade disputes.”

The review is expected to make proposals and recommendations for change. It will report back to the Cabinet Office and the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills.

The Cabinet Office said: “The Government has a keen interest in the resilience of critical industrial infrastructure. Resilience cannot be guaranteed without effective workforce relationships.

“These relationships, and the law that governs them, have consequences both for the operation of particular, critically important, facilities, as well as more widely in the economy, at both a local and national level. Therefore, the Government wants to assess whether the current legislation dealing with activities taking place during industrial disputes is fit for the 21st century.”