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President of LLG stands aside pending outcome of appeal in employment case

The President of Lawyers in Local Government (LLG), Philip Thomson, has stood aside from the role pending the outcome of an employment appeal.

Evelyne Jarrett, a former senior lawyer at Essex Legal Services, won her case at the Employment Tribunal in September. She lost her job following a restructuring in 2012.

Essex County Council has since announced that it has lodged an appeal.

In a statement to LLG members, Thomson said: “A few weeks ago I mentioned an employment case decided against my Authority in which I had been named.

“[My] Authority has lodged a notice of appeal and I have decided to stand aside from my role as President of LLG whilst the case progresses, lest it distract from the work of LLG. In the interim I will remain on the Board/Executive of LLG but Bev Cullen, the Vice President, will take over the leadership of the organisation”.