GLD Vacancies

Weightmans and Forbes win Guinness Northern Counties deal

Weightmans and Forbes Solicitors have been awarded a six-year deal to advise social housing provider Guinness Northern Counties.

The firms will advise on rent claims, antisocial behaviour, disrepair and general housing and tenancy management related matters.

Guinness Northern Counties, the northern member of The Guinness Partnership, is one of the UK’s largest housing associations, providing nearly 27,000 homes across the north of England.

Sian Evans, head of the social housing team at Weightmans, said: “Our social housing provision is fast expanding and to provide legal services to such an established housing provider is a brilliant testament to the results we have achieved.

“In light of the Comprehensive Spending Review, organisations such as Guinness Northern Counties are under an increasing pressure to provide quality service on a tight budget. By working together with other law firms in this kind of panel arrangement, we can offer the association real value for money and top quality advice.”