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DCLG calls for councils to act as CIL front-runners

The Department for Communities and Local Government is calling for up to eight local authorities to step forward and lead the implementation of the revised Community Infrastructure Levy.

The chosen councils will receive a support package from the Planning Inspectorate, including an introductory group workshop and an individual support meeting. There will be also advisory visits for those councils close to publishing preliminary draft charging schedules by March 2011.

The authorities taking part would be expected to develop the best approach to implementing the levy and move ahead with implementation “as quickly as possible”. They will also be encouraged to share learning and good practice across local government, whether through round tables and other events, or providing case studies.

The project is set to last until March 2011, but could – subject to funding – be extended into the next financial year.

The DCLG said front runner authorities would need to meet all of the following criteria:

  • “In particular, intend to submit their charging schedule for examination no later than Autumn 2011
  • Have a good track record of planning policy competence eg in adopting their development plan and
  • Have secured the necessary buy-in from corporate, finance and planning functions within the council.”

Through the Localism Bill published last month, the government revealed that there would be three changes to the CIL, which allows local authorities to set charges which developers must pay when bringing forward new development in order to contribute to new infrastructure.

These are provisions to: make regulations requiring some of the funds to be passed to neighbourhoods where the development has taken place; make clear that funds can be spent on the ongoing costs of infrastructure, as well as the initial costs of new infrastructure; and give councils greater control over setting charging levels (independent examiners will still consider whether the charging schedule is unreasonable, but it will be for the authority to decide how to make it reasonable).

The deadline for applications is 14 January 2011.