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TSA launches equalities consultation

The Tenants Services Authority has launched a consultation on its first ever single equalities scheme, which sets out how it plans to promote equality and good relations in the social housing sector.

The TSA scheme includes how the organisation will work with tenants, providers and other stakeholders to ensure that the needs of different tenants across the six diversity groups of ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation, age, gender and religion/belief are identified and taken into account.

The scheme, which deals with the TSA both as regulator and employer, and an accompanying action plan are intended to help the authority meet its duties under existing and proposed legislation. It will be in place for three years.

Phil Morgan, executive director tenant services, said: “Equality in housing and related services are of paramount importance for the TSA. For tenants, local authority and housing association landlords, and other stakeholders who have an interest in equality issues, this consultation is an opportunity to influence how we develop our single equalities scheme and action plan.”

The deadline for comments is 31 March 2010.

The TSA is also currently consulting with social housing tenants and their landlords over the development of new standards in a bid to drive up the quality of services for tenants.