GLD Vacancies

London and South East social landlord to set up £4m solicitors framework

Network Homes, a housing association which owns and manages more than 20,000 homes across London and Hertfordshire, is to procure a solicitors framework worth an estimated £4m.

It has divided the framework into two lots:

  1. Property & Development: Funding; Site acquisition and planning; Contracts and procurement advice; Contractual delivery vehicles; Construction; Acquisition and disposals; Sales and leases; Other specialist advice.
  2. Finance; Governance; Corporate; Housing management; Litigation; General Advice; Housing and Asset Management Advice including leasehold management and disputes; Procurement; HR.

Network Homes said it intends to appoint six firms to each Lot, with some solicitors appointed to both Lots.

The term of the framework will be four years from the commencement date.