b'46 Local Government LawyerTechnology, the new recruitHow might social media and big data management help solve the recruitment crisis?We constantly hear how technology canpotential candidates a window into companyIncreasing numbers help us to be more efficient, increaseculture and ethos: a different vantage point productivity and deliver new services. Thefrom which to consider your organisation.of job seekers are impact of technology on recruitment is noIncreasing numbers of professionalsusing social platforms less profound. Recruitment is one of themake their career decisions based on the greatest challenges across the public sector.alignment between their world view andto research and get to The question is how can technology helpthat of potential employers.know their prospective the public sector address its recruitmentMany organisations and businesses challenge?still treat social media as a useful one wayemployersAt first glance technology can expeditestorefront, however modern candidates the effort required to schedule andincreasingly see social media presence as interview candidates. However, througha direct two-way mode of communicating a combination of big data, the use ofand discovery; Many professionals social media, AI and cloud technologies,undertake their implicit and explicit career technology can help organisations sourcedevelopment and job searching via social and recruit talent in more intelligent ways,media and often in the same way that they generating better candidate shortlists andconsume the rest of their content- on identifying better mutual compatibility.mobile apps. Organisations that wish to Whilst recruiting is arguably about people,take advantage of social media need to find technology can help to better identify moreand encourage a culture of two-way social objective characteristics and potential whichmedia interaction that demonstrates the can also help to project the most importantkind of authentic and active experiences hiring criteria across a wider pool than everthat typically drive enduring engagements before.online. The kinds of messages which are communicated to potential candidates New windows into work life is pivotal; posting concise and attention-Social media is a fundamental corner stonegrabbing job headlines is not enough on its of the digital landscape. As we spend aown. Those headlines must reflect genuine greater portion of our free time online inbehaviours and activities internally if they various digital platforms, increasing numbersare to capture new talent. If these headlines of job seekers are using social platforms toembody your vision, mission and culture, research and get to know their prospectivesocial media platforms naturally increase employers. With over 50 million registeredyour ability to communicate cohesive UK users in LinkedIn and Facebook alone,messaging even before you formally start platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook,your recruitment processes. Such social Glassdoor and even Wikipedia are influentialmedia investment can help refine the in reaching potential candidates. Whilsttypes of candidates who are interested corporate websites remain a usefulin your organisation and enable better resource, LinkedIn for example offersconversations further down the line when it'