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Campaigners source crowd funding for challenges to renewable energy projects

Three separate groups of campaigners are using the Crowd Justice website in a bid to fund legal battles over renewable energy projects.

The cases are:

1. Harberton Solar Industrial Estate, South Devon – Planning Inspectorate appeal: the local council refused planning permission. However, the developer is appealing the decision and the campaigners are seeking to fund a legal team to represent objectors.

2. Severndale wind turbine –  judicial review: the case of Peter Wright v Forest of Dean District Council is a challenge to the decision by the planning committee at Forest of Dean Council to grant permission for a single wind turbine. The claimant has instructed Susan Ring and Harry Campbell of Richard Buxton Environmental and Public Law and Zack Simons of Landmark Chambers.

3. Frogmore Estuary wind turbine – planning inquiry: after the planning committee at South Hams District Council resolved to grant planning permission, the Communities Secretary called the matter in to decide whether or not to grant planning permission in light of his new policy on onshore wind turbine development. The campaigners are seeking to pay for legal fees for the inquiry. 

More information on the cases can be found on the Crowd Justice website.