Winchester Vacancies

City council names ten law firms to £8m legal panels

Wolverhampton City Council has appointed ten law firms to a legal services framework agreement worth up to £8m over four years.

The appointments were to four lots:

  • Lot 1: Regeneration and Property: Acuity Legal; DWF; Squire Patton Boggs; Trowers & Hamlins; Weightmans; Wragge Lawrence Graham & Co. (28 offers received)
  • Lot 2: Competition, Procurement and Contracts: DAC Beachcroft; DWF; Shoosmiths; Trowers & Hamlins; Weightmans; Wragge Lawrence Graham & Co. (24 offers received)
  • Lot 3: Public and Administrative: DAC Beachcroft; DWF; Geldards; Trowers & Hamlins; Weightmans; Wragge Lawrence Graham & Co. (18 offers received)
  • Lot 4: Real Property Portfolio of the West Midlands Metropolitan Pension Fund: Pinsent Masons; Squire Patton Boggs; Trowers & Hamlins; Wragge Lawrence Graham & Co. (28 offers received)

The contract was awarded on the basis of the most economically advantageous tender in terms of quality (weighting 70), price (weighting 20) and social value (weighting 10).

The framework will be made available for use by the council's delivery organisations such as trading companies, joint ventures, arms length organisations and so on. Other public bodies in Wolverhampton and partner authorities in the West Midlands Combined Authority will also have access.

Wolverhampton has been progressing a number of major investment and regeneration projects and transformation programmes including: Wolverhampton Interchange; Heath Town; Tap Works; Westside; Southside; Canalside; Civic Halls; and the Future Spaces office rationalisation.