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Health and care regulator to engage with market ahead of procurement of £6m legal services framework

The Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) has given notice of its intention to procure a legal services framework worth up to £6m over five years.

The HCPC, which regulates 15 professions, said it is currently developing its service specification, contracting process and commercial model for legal services and intends to commence a procurement process to award renewed contracts to provide the service from 1 April 2021.

The new service will be for a period of four years, with the option to extend for a further one year at the HCPC's discretion to 31 Mar 2026.

HCPC said it intends to open up its pool of on call legal expertise by structuring its requirement into three lots:

  1. Corporate advice
  2. Regulatory advice
  3. FTP (fitness to practise) case specific advice

The HCPC said it is seeking to establish what interest there might be in providing such a service from suitably qualified, capable and competent organisations.

Providers wishing to express an interest should submit their completed Market Engagement Questionnaire (MEQ) via EU-Supply no later than 12pm on Tuesday 2nd September 2020.