GLD Vacancies

Development corporation names two firms to £8m legal services contract

The Ebbsfleet Development Corporation (EDC) has appointed two law firms to provide legal services worth an estimated £8m over three years.

The contract was divided into the following lots:

  1. Project Delivery and General Legal Services: a "one stop shop" approach from a substantial team able to draw from a broad range of in-house specialists across various fields.
  2. Planning Legal Services: the provision of specialist legal advice to support EDC’s role as local planning authority (excluding plan making).

The firms appointed were:

  • Pinsent Masons
  • Gowling WLG (UK)

The appointments were made via Places for People’s Legal Services Dynamic Purchasing System.

The contract started on 4 April 2022 and will run until 5 May 2025.

The Ebbsfleet Development Corporation was set up by the government to speed up delivery of up to 15,000 homes and create a 21st century garden city in north Kent.