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Innovation agency gives notice of intention to procure £1m contract for legal services

The UK’s innovation agency has given notice of its intention to procure a five-year agreement for legal services with an indicative budget of £1m for the full duration.

Innovate UK (IUK), which is intended to drive productivity and economic growth by supporting businesses to develop and realise the potential of new ideas, said it would shortly be going to market.

It added that the areas in which it will require most legal support are:

  1. Grant Funding Agreements (GFAs)
  2. Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs)
  3. Contracts
  4. Subsidy/State Aid.

IUK said: “The aim of this tender exercise will be to employ a legal firm to provide advice and support to IUK in the drafting and delivery of legal documentation with third parties (across business and academic sectors) for a variety of commercial law projects.

“This would broadly cover the legal areas of Contracts, Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs), Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs), Grant Funding Agreements (GFAs), Debt Recovery, Subsidy Control and Terms & Conditions.

“IUK will look to seek legal advice and support in a timely manner so our staff are supported, and we can satisfy our customers with an efficient and high quality response. This efficiency is key, considering the increase in workload this spend review period.”

The agency added that to ensure that it has a clear specification for bidders to tender against and a resulting contract that meets all IUK’s need, it is “seeking guidance from the market to help inform the final scope of services required”.