GLD Vacancies

VWV hires employment specialist Byford in drive for HE and FE practice growth

Veale Wasbrough Vizards has hired an employment specialist in its Birmingham office as part of plans to target growth in its higher education and further education practice.

Jane Byford specialises in contentious matters, including complex Employment Tribunal and Employment Appeal Tribunal claims for unfair dismissal, equal pay and discrimination, High Court breach of contract and injunctive relief claims and strategic projects, such as large scale redundancies and restructurings.

Bettina Rigg, head of HE at VWV, commented on Jane's forthcoming appointment: "We are delighted to have attracted someone of Jane's calibre to our HE and FE teams. Specialist employment experience is a key requirement for many of our clients and Jane will complement the existing team of 20 HE and FE specialists, including 13 partners."