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4-5 Gray's Inn Square to introduce name-blind recruitment

Leading public law set 4-5 Gray’s Inn Square is to introduce a name-blind  recruitment system.

From later this week, it said would launch an online application form on its website, where the only personal identifier use would be the candidate’s mobile telephone number.

Steven Newbery, Director of Policy & Business Development, said: “All other personal information, such as name, gender and marital status, will be effectively hidden until after successful applicants are called into interview.

“We have adopted a recruitment blind system to ensure future application is assessed without reference to the applicant’s gender, marital or civil partnership status, race, colour, national or ethnic origin, religious belief, or age.”

Timothy Straker QC, Head of Chambers, said the set had benefitted significantly from diversity. “We intend to stay at the forefront of best recruitment practice in that regard,” he added.

Last month the Prime Minister announced a number of organisations in the private and public sectors, including local government, had signed up to a pledge to operate recruitment on a ‘name blind’ basis for all graduate and apprenticeship level roles.