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Housing specialist Talbot switches from Weightmans to St Ives Chambers

­­­Landlord and tenant specialist Jane Talbot has cross-qualified and joined Birmingham set St Ives Chambers from national law firm Weightmans.

Talbot (formerly Plant) has acted for local authorities, private registered providers, private landlords and tenants, regularly acting in complex possession, injunction, disrepair, unlawful eviction and succession cases.

She has also chaired the Law Society’s Housing Committee, giving evidence to the Home Affairs Select Committee on the implications of the Anti-Social Behaviour Crime and Policing Act 2014 and also to the Welsh Government on the Renting Homes proposals.

In a statement on its website St Ives said it was delighted to welcome Talbot to the chambers. “Jane will be a valuable addition our Housing & Property Team,” it added.