GLD Vacancies

Leading medical and public law QC joins Serjeants Inn

Nageena Khalique QC has joined Serjeants’ Inn from No 5 Chambers, where she was deputy Head of Chambers and leader of the Court of Protection, Inquest and Inquiries, and Public and Administrative Law teams.

She is the third silk to join Serjeants’ Inn this year. Her expertise covers a wide range of medical and public law, including health, inquests, social care and education, clinical negligence and regulatory law.

Khalique is currently acting for a trust in a Court of Appeal case concerning equality duties and Articles 3 and 8 in prison healthcare and she is instructed in the Lambeth Council Redress Scheme for children in care relating to historic abuse whilst under the auspices of local authority social services. She is also on the team which represents families of the victims of the Birmingham Pub Bombings.

Joint CEO of Serjeants’ Inn, Catherine Calder said: “Nageena’s arrival crystallises the progress we have made over the last three years – numbers have increased by 35% with a gain of 11 silks.”