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Housing specialists named partners in latest promotions round at Forbes Solicitors

Two housing management specialists are among five new partners at Forbes Solicitors.

Kirsty Varley and Sarah Rogers from the firm's housing and regeneration litigation team have been promoted along with employment lawyer Amy Stokes, Tim Smith in the insurance team and commercial property law specialist Matthew Jones.

The firm, which now has 49 partners, said Varley and Rogers had “continued to support housing associations nationwide in managing complex issues associated with anti-social behaviour during a period of changing emergency coronavirus laws”.

Smith meanwhile is developing Forbes Solicitors’ offering to local authority and social housing clients dealing with environmental claims, particularly tree related cases including tree root subsidence and falling tree/branch claims onto highways, and also Japanese Knotweed claims.

Other promotions have seen five professionals move up to Associate level and another four members of the firm promoted to Senior Associate.

Oliver Burton, CEO at Forbes Solicitors, said: "During the past 12 months, we've seen businesses reinvent themselves and rethink how they work to survive and thrive in markets impacted by economic uncertainty. Our team has supported organisations on this journey, as well as leading our own teams and ensuring everyone is working towards our shared ambitions.

"The promotions recognise all of this hard work and tenacity to work together with clients to protect and promote their interests. It's really rewarding to see people delivering success for their teams, clients and themselves as they progress in their careers."