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Salford names Puzio as new City Solicitor

Salford City Council has appointed Iolanda Puzio, currently the Chief Legal Officer and Monitoring Officer for Cumbria County Council, as its City Solicitor.

Puzio will join Salford by December, taking over from David Wilcock who is on a short-term contract at the council.

Salford has also appointed John Searle, currently the Director for Economy at Rochdale Council, as Strategic Director for Place. He will lead on environment and community safety, planning and development as well as housing and neighbourhoods.

Tom Stannard, Chief Executive at Salford City Council said: “I’d like to welcome Iolanda and John to the team. They were both chosen from a very competitive field so I would like to also say congratulations to them on their appointments.

“Iolanda and John bring a huge wealth of experience to Salford that will help to shape and deliver or local public services to improve the lives of the residents under the political leadership of the City Mayor.

“The overall aim is to connect local people to the growth in the city and create a better and fairer city. It is a very exciting time to be in this fantastic city.”

Puzio said: “I’m delighted to be appointed as the City Solicitor at Salford City Council and cannot wait to start in my new role. I applied for the job as I am inspired by the values and progressive culture that Salford has adopted, it is such a forward-thinking organisation. My aim is to work with the team at Salford City Council to help to improve peoples’ lives in the city and make it a better place for all.”