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Weightmans and Ford & Warren confirm merger talks

National law firm Weightmans and Leeds-based Ford & Warren have confirmed they are in formal contract negotiations with a view to merging next month.

If the deal gets the green light, the merged firm would be known as Weightmans. It would also have 187 partners and a total headcount of more than 1,400 people.

In a statement Weightmans said the two firms shared “a number of synergies in respect of clients and sectors, very similar values and cultures, and above all a passionate commitment to achieving the highest standards in delivering legal services to their clients”.

It added that the merger with Ford & Warren would add to Weightmans’ national presence, with further resources “to ensure that we continue to meet the ever-increasing needs and expectations of all clients, large and small, whether public bodies, private businesses, not for profit enterprises or individuals”.