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LLG brings in Centre for Public Scrutiny for governance review

Lawyers in Local Government has appointed the Centre for Public Scrutiny (CfPS) to undertake a governance review following a competitive tendering process.

Doreen Forrester-Brown, president of LLG, said: “The CfPS has a wealth of governance experience gained from working within local government and other public services.

“The Board has long been considering the best ways in which to take the company forward and provide real value and expediency within its decision making in order to modernise the company in line with the changing landscape for local government lawyers.”

She added that steps had already been taken to improve LLG’s governance arrangements by inclusion of board minutes on the website alongside a forward plan and task list. Changes to the election process for the Deputy Vice Chair have also been approved to enable member wide electronic elections from 2018 onwards.

Forrester-Brown said this was “just the start of the process around governance to ensure not just efficiency and transparency but the proactive influencing of stakeholders around key legislative policy and changes”.

LLG will be surveying its membership to canvass their views, she added. “This is an exceptional period of change and a pivotal moment to influence the process and redesign your representational body.”

A working group is overseeing the governance review and will be holding roundtables with focus groups. Branches and SAA Leads will also be interviewed and a dialogue with stakeholders opened to evaluate best practice.