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Lawyers in Local Government launches National Graduate Recruitment Scheme

Lawyers in Local Government has launched a National Graduate Recruitment Scheme to help its members recruit "the best and the brightest" and build talent to ensure that the sector is effective in succession planning.

Philip McCourt, Director of Governance and Assurance (Monitoring Officer) at Wirral Council and a former president of LLG’s predecessor organisation, has started attending universities to speak at careers fairs.

Speaking at the Weekend School, Phillip Horsfield, LLG’s new president, described the campaign as “exceptionally important”.

Alongside marketing materials, LLG wanted to create a trainee hub on its website to host vacancies, stories and career journeys as well as a single point of entry with sifted applications being sent through to each authority looking to recruit, he said.

Horsfield added: “We want to consider supporting shared trainee seats between local authorities and corporate partners; examine feed authority potential, university placements, graduate schemes, a national program of internships and apprenticeship advice and support.

“Unless we act now, there will be a crisis within local authority legal departments. We already know how difficult it is to recruit strong, suitable candidates. LLG aims to rejuvenate the profession, attract exceptional candidates and enable your recruitment of lawyers.”