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DCLG in call for evidence on local authority licensing of park homes

The Department for Communities and Local Government has launched a call for evidence on how effective local authority licensing of park homes has been.

The call for evidence is the second part of a review of the Mobile Homes Act 2013, which made significant changes to the law on park homes.

The DCLG has published a summary of responses to part 1 of the review, which called for evidence on fairness of charges, the transparency of site ownership and on experience of harassment.

Part 2 is a call for evidence on:

  • how effective local authority licensing has been
  • how well the procedures for selling mobile homes, making site rules and pitch fee reviews are working
  • whether “fit and proper” controls need to be applied in the sector
  • the appropriate index (CPI or RPI) to be used when carrying out a pitch fee review

The DCLG said it was also seeking views on the Park Homes Working Group’s recommendations on how local authorities can be assisted further in their licensing functions.