Winchester Vacancies

A Spring in your career step....

Shared Services 146x219Lawyers in Local Government is looking for talented lawyers to get involved in its special activity areas. Nicholas Dobson explains how this can boost your career.

If you’re looking for a poetic line to put an April spring in your step, then look no further than civil servant poet Geoffrey Chaucer. Yes I know he’s not exactly rock ‘n’ roll (having been dead some 615 years). But when you compare the joyful opening of the Prologue to his Canterbury Tales ("Whan that Aprille with his shoures soote/The droghte of Marche hath perced to the roote") with the depressive start to T.S. Eliot’s famously mysterious Waste Land ("April is the cruellest month, breeding/Lilacs out of the dead land") there’s really no contest.

But while Chaucer’s "smale fowles maken melodye" under the "yonge sonne" of 2015’s Spring and early summer, it’s also time to think of putting a spring into your career step - while at the same time helping out your local government lawyer colleagues nationally.

For the Lawyers in Local Government (LLG) Special Activity Areas are a first class way of developing and deepening your own expertise and sharing it with colleagues in the same line of work across the country. Check out the link above and get in touch with the relevant SAA lead officer for the area closest to yours. They’ll be delighted to hear from you and for any support you can give

But if your SAA is Adult Social Care and Health, why not put your name forward to help out – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.? The lead for this SAA is currently vacant.

For if you’re working hard at the legal coalface it can be really energising to link up with like colleagues across the country and help make a national splash in your area. And you never know – it might just lead you on a ‘pilgrimage’ to the next step on your career ladder!

Nicholas Dobson is a Consultant with Freeths LLP specialising in local and public law. He is also Communications Officer for Lawyers in Local Government. Nicholas can be reached on 0845 017 7620 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

© Nicholas Dobson[1]

April 2015.

[1] Nicholas Dobson is a Consultant with Freeths LLP specialising in local and public law. He is also Communications Officer for Lawyers in Local Government.