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Pilkington family sue police and two councils

The family of Fiona Pilkington and her daughter Francecca are to sue the police and two local authorities, the BBC has reported.

In October 2007 Pilkington drove with her daughter to a lay-by and set fire to the car. It emerged at the subsequent inquest that their repeated requests for help with dealing with anti-social behaviour had for the most part been ignored.

The family received only eight visits from the police in ten years, even though 33 calls were made.

Leicestershire Police confirmed to the BBC that they were aware of a writ being issued, while Leicestershire County Council and Hinckley and Bosworth Council said they had received a pre-action letter and were considering their response.

The writ was lodged on behalf of Fiona Pilkington’s mother, Pam Cassell, and son, Anthony Hardwick.