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Rotherham looks to set toughest standards for taxi drivers in the country

The licensing board at Rotherham Council will today consider whether to introduce standards for taxi drivers that are the most stringent in the country.

The move is part of the local authority’s response to the Jay report on child sexual exploitation in the area. Published in August, the report concluded that more than 1,400 children had been exploited between 1997 and 2013, and identified serious failings among the police and the local authority.

Key changes in the new Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Policy, which will go before the 21 member-strong Licensing Board, include:

  • The application and vetting process ensuring drivers have to successfully complete a BTEC Level 2 Certificate “that will ensure drivers understand a wide or matters including customer care, disability awareness, and matters relating to adult and child safeguarding”;
  • The introduction of a new, tougher communication and knowledge test;
  • A requirement that applicants from abroad face more rigorous tests to prove their previous good character;
  • The application of more rigorous to the consideration of past criminality, particularly concerning sexual activity, violence, children, vulnerable adults, dishonesty or drug dealing. “Anyone who is believed to have committed the most serious violent or sexual offences will be prevented from working as a taxi driver”;
  • Updating of vehicle standards that will see specific age restrictions for taxis;
  • Revised standards for smaller limousines.

If the Board approves the policy, it will then be subject to an eight-week consultation.

Dave Richmond, Rotherham’s Director of Housing and Neighbourhood Services, said that publication of the Jay Report had impacted on the taxi trade and the authority could not sit back and do nothing.

He added: "Rotherham's taxi and private hire trade has an important role to play in helping to people to get around the borough. The Report has had a significant impact on public confidence in the taxi trade and we want to do everything we can to restore public confidence and ensure that Rotherham has a respected, professional and thriving taxi service.

"Rotherham's current policy is compliant with the law and our standards exceed those of some areas, but in light of the Jay Report and its impact on public confidence, we feel that we should do all that we can to make sure we have some of the highest standards nationally and a top quality service. We hope the industry will work in partnership with the authority on this.”

A copy of the report to the Licensing Board on the new policy can be viewed here.