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Police, councils and housing providers “letting down” victims of anti-social behaviour: Victims’ Commissioner

Victims of anti-social behaviour are being let down by police, local councils and housing providers, with many having to suffer in silence, the Victims’ Commissioner (VC) for England & Wales, Baroness Newlove, has said.

A report published by the Victims’ Commissioner in partnership with ASB Help and Nottingham Trent University found:

  • Examples of police and council staff failing to appreciate the cumulative impact of persistent anti-social behaviour (ASB) on its victims – “with each incident being treated in isolation and the underlying causes being ignored”.
  • Evidence of a culture of playing-down ASB as being ‘low-level’; "which in turn was leading to a failure to recognise the impact it was having on its victims"– including their mental health, their ability to hold down employment or the strain on their family relationships.
  • Victims being passed between the police, local authorities and community agencies, such as social housing landlords – “leaving them feeling as if no one is listening”.
  • Many police forces, councils and Police and Crime Commissioners making no reference to the statutory Community Trigger mechanism used to resolve ASB on their websites. “Some victims found that police and council staff had never even heard of the Trigger.”

The report’s recommendations include:

  1. Recognition of the impact on victims of persistent ASB, by revising the Victims’ Code of Practice, to afford them the same entitlement to support as all other crime victims, when they reach the ‘three complaints’ threshold needed to activate the Community Trigger.
  2. Tackling the failure adequately to respond to 101 phone calls quickly – or in some cases, not at all and reviewing the charges and whether to mirror the free 999 emergency number.
  3. A legal requirement for local authorities, PCCs, Police and housing associations to display accurate guidelines on the Community Trigger prominently on their websites and notice boards and publications, enabling all victims to seek help.
  4. Empowering victims of ASB by informing them about their entitlement to start the Community Trigger when responding to the second complaint within a six-month period.
  5. Involving victims by enabling them to attend resolution meetings to explain in person the impact the behaviour is having on them.
  6. Making resolution meetings “a real opportunity to challenge by having meetings chaired by an independent person, thereby avoiding the impression of police and councils ‘marking their own homework’”.
  7. A call for the Home Office to consider replicating legal powers available to police in Scotland who can serve warnings, fines and seize noisy equipment.

Baroness Newlove said: “A gang targeted my ordinary working family living in an ordinary street in an ordinary neighbourhood with a campaign of vandalism and violence. It culminated with Garry being kicked to death on our doorstep. It seems implausible that 12 years later, I am still writing about anti-social behaviour. But the truth is, depressingly little has changed.

“ASB is often downplayed as a petty, ‘low-level’ crime. But put yourself in their shoes – to suffer from ASB is an ordeal that causes misery, disturbs sleep, anxiety, work and relationships – leaving victims feeling unsafe and afraid in their own homes. It can feel like you are living a nightmare.

“I want this report to be a catalyst for change. I strongly believe if we crack down on ASB, empower victims by informing them of their rights and give powers to police, councils and housing providers to investigate and take rigorous action, it can reduce ASB and stop it spiralling into violence and worse.”

Jenny Herrera from ASB Help said: “The effects for a victim of ongoing, persistent, distressing anti-social behaviour cannot be overstated. The Community Trigger needs leadership from within central government to ensure it is fit for purpose and unlock its potential. Our extensive work has found fundamental problems, covering every aspect of the process.”

Responding to the Victims’ Commissioner’s report, a Local Government Association spokesperson said: “Councils know people look to them to tackle the anti-social behaviour which can make a law-abiding resident’s life hell or blight an entire neighbourhood.

“It’s a role they take extremely seriously but one which is being made increasingly challenging as a result of losing 60p out of every £1 they had from government to spend on services in the past decade.

“Councils and partner agencies take residents’ complaints seriously and communicate with each other to ensure that where action is required this happens quickly and effectively. The LGA will be working with councils to consider the findings of this report carefully.”