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Care and support for disabled and elderly people during ‘Lockdown 3’ in England – key legal considerations - 39 Essex Chambers
Care and support for disabled and elderly people during ‘Lockdown 3’ in England – key legal considerations - 39 Essex Chambers
Thu, 7 January 2021, 16:30 - 17:30
Online (live webinar)
Adult Social Services


Cost: Free

A third national ‘lockdown’ has been imposed in England, which will extend at least into mid-February 2021. The restrictions imposed to protect public health have obvious and significant consequences for people in need of care and support, their families and friends and professionals involved in their lives.

During the second ‘lockdown’, Sian Davies and Steve Broach put on a webinar to consider the implications for care and support for disabled and elderly people. Steve and Sian are now hosting a further webinar, to look again at the following issues in the context of the current regulations and guidance:

  • Circumstances in which those in need of care and support and their carers can leave their home, including whether ‘exercise’ is limited to once a day
  • The law in relation to visiting people in need of care and support, both in care homes and other settings
  • Other relevant exceptions to the ‘lockdown’ restrictions for people in need of care and support, including in relation to support groups and short breaks / respite care
  • Practical implications for those being cared for, their carers, and statutory bodies providing care

The speakers welcome any questions in advance which you can send to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. There will also be an opportunity to ask questions using Zoom’s Q&A.

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Online (live webinar)