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Handling Subject Access Requests - Act Now Training
Handling Subject Access Requests - Act Now Training
Thu, 4 February 2021, 10:00 - 16:00
Online (live webinar)
Information Law


Cost: £389 + vat

Act Now training has successfully delivered a face to face classroom-based course for a number of years. This new course will provide delegates with the opportunity to undertake the same course but via an online learning platform in which delegates can participate in the training directly from their own homes or offices.

If you have ever had a request for someone's personal data and you’re not sure if you must do so, this is the workshop for you.

The course will cover all aspects of GDPR subject access rights including the basic practicalities, identifying and applying exemptions from the Data Protection Act 2018 and judging how far to go in the search for personal data.

We will also consider the latest relevant guidance from the ICO and the European Data Protection Board and quickly survey the other subject rights.

The course will use several interactive exercises to ensure all delegates can participate and ask questions.

Online training provides a sustainable alternative for public authorities concerned to reduce their carbon-footprint.

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Online (live webinar)