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SIROs and IAOs A-Z - Act Now Training
SIROs and IAOs A-Z - Act Now Training
Fri, 29 January 2021, 10:00 - 16:00
Online (live webinar)
Information Law


Cost: £389 + vat

Act Now training has successfully delivered a face to face classroom-based SIROs and IAOs course for a number of years. This popular face to face course now online will centre around scenarios, interactive discussions and case studies, bringing a practical approach to the course, along with action plans and checklists for you to take away from the various sessions throughout the day.

The Senior Information Risk Owner (SIRO) is a senior person responsible for risks associated with information and making sure it is stored, accessed and used appropriately.

This course will look at understanding accountability, responsibilities, applying risk management, and developing a risk culture to manage Information in a Health and Social Care setting. We will look at the legislative requirements and;
How they apply to organisations Information, including technical and organisational procedures to protect information;
How the SIRO works with other members of the Organisation is essential to the management of risk including the Information Governance Lead, Caldicott Guardian, Data Protection Officer and IT Security Manager; and
How the SIRO supports the Board and gives assurance with other members of the organisation.

The course will use several interactive exercises to ensure all delegates can participate and ask questions.

Online training provides a sustainable alternative for public authorities concerned to reduce their carbon-footprint.

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Online (live webinar)